January Nelson | Thought Catalog https://thoughtcatalog.com Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas. Fri, 08 Sep 2023 15:31:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 https://thoughtcatalog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-favicon-512x512-1-1.png?w=32 January Nelson | Thought Catalog https://thoughtcatalog.com 32 32 175582106 13 Unrealistic But Funny Life Lessons From The TV Show ‘Suits’ https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2023/09/unrealistic-but-funny-life-lessons-from-the-tv-show-suits/ Fri, 08 Sep 2023 15:23:50 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1085242 Suits strikes a unique balance between the clever storytelling typical of an HBO series and the over-the-top absurdity you’d find in a low-budget soap opera. While it may not meet the conventional benchmarks of cinematic excellence, it’s easily one of the most entertaining TV shows ever made.

While rewatching episodes on Netflix, one of my favorite pastimes is dissecting its far-removed portrayal of life and business. It’s fascinating how, in my teenage years, I might have aspired to emulate these characters. Thinking, ‘Hey this is how reality really is!’ But now, with a seasoned perspective, it’s clear that much of what passes for drama on television bears little resemblance to reality.

The TV show Suits will teach you more about fashion than how the law works in the United States.

It’s intriguing to think that Game of Thrones, set in a fictional medieval world with dragons and magic, could put forth a portrayal of life that feels more authentic than Suits, which offers a contemporary, real-world setting. The way Suits dramatizes the legal profession, business dynamics, and even life in New York City is so stylized that it is a complete fantasy.

Here are some important life lessons/observations from Suits that you should definitely follow if you want to be a high-profile lawyer (or any business person) in New York City.

Important conversations should happen in public restrooms.

Public bathrooms are an ideal environment for confronting your colleagues.

How many times have you thought let’s have an important business meeting inside a public restroom? I don’t think I’ve ever even talked to anyone inside a public restroom — let alone had a business meeting in one. In Suits, they are always in bathrooms having the most important conversations. Business happens in the bathroom.

To be the best lawyer, specialize in absolutely nothing.

Do it all. What is Harvey Specter’s domain expertise? He’s Michael Jordan’s lawyer, right? So he does sports law. No, wait—today he’s representing someone in their divorce. Wait, now he’s on a criminal defense case. Supposedly he’s a corporate lawyer, but his profession is radically all over the place with no real expertise. Specializing in nothing is what great lawyers do.

Show up late at night at your co-workers’ homes.

Could you imagine if you just like showed up in the middle of the night at your boss’s house uninvited? Or, if they did that to you? Well, here’s some advice for young people entering the workforce. You should definitely be like Mike Ross and just show up at your boss’s doorstep. And don’t find it weird if your boss shows up uninvited to your house either. That’s normal (and not at all creepy).

Likewise, randomly badger your opponents, clients, and other colleagues in person.

Mike Ross, uninvited, just shows up and badgers someone while he’s playing golf to talk business.

A phone call? No way. That’s not how you do business. Show up at their place of work and start badgering them. Or, randomly wait for them outside their office. If they aren’t at the office, just visit the golf course that is so easy to get to right from Midtown Manhattan.

Spend 90% of your time as a lawyer grooming, exercising, buying clothes, and doing other sartorial work.

I actually found a blog post on LinkedIn where someone non-ironically argues that there is a real-life lesson to take from Harvey Specter’s appearance: “He has a slick haircut and is impeccably dressed. He knows that giving his best starts with being the best version of himself.”

Sure — but also not really. First, I would rather have a lawyer that looks like crap because they are too focused on their work to buy a Tom Ford suit every other week. But, more importantly, the way Harvey, Jessica, and everyone else dress on the show would mean they spend most of their time shopping, getting dressed, and going to the dry cleaners. They just always look too good.

I know now that everyone works from home we’ve lost a lot of workplace style; however, even before all the work-from-home madness, people didn’t dress this fashionably at all times (especially overworked attorneys). Also why do they never casual Friday in Suits?

Speaking of casual dress, one of my favorite sartorial unrealities in the show happens after work. Harvey is in his apartment, and he doesn’t immediately tear off his suit like any normal human being would. Instead, he just rolls up his sleeves and sulks around his apartments while looking sexy and drinking scotch.

Spend the other 5% of your time with hobbies that make you look like James Bond.

For instance, Harvey’s pastimes include boxing, racing cars, and playing cards. Find hobbies like that. Louis loves ballet, mudding, and opera. And, despite Rachel Zane being an overworked paralegal, she has enough time to be an interior design genius who knows everything about every restaurant in New York City and beyond. You must be able to do it all.

Spend 4% of your time making sure your office and apartment look spectacular.

Jessica randomly shows up in the middle of the night at Harvey’s apartment.

Like having perfect style all the time, all high-power lawyers living in New York City live in impeccable penthouses that cost 30 million dollars and have amazing views of the city from their offices.

Spend 1% of your time doing actual legal work.

If there is still time in the day, try and do a bit of legal work. That said, make sure most of your legal work involves witty banter and high-stakes drama, and avoid doing any boring paperwork.


Mike delivers earth-shattering information in small little folders.

The preferred method of communication in Suits is printing out a document, putting it in a cute folder, and then delivering said cute folder to the recipient in real life. This is the ideal format for important communication.

On a similar note, NEVER spend more than 2.5 seconds looking at complex legal documents before making a decision.

Mike Ross will spend 400 hours working on something and then when he delivers it to Harvey in the cute folder, Harvey just looks at it for about half a second and makes a decision. This is an ideal way to process information. Paying attention to the details is overrated in law. Besides, since the legal system in the United States moves so quickly, you don’t have time to actually read up on your cases.

Hacking into computer systems is as easy as shoplifting.

Need to do something shady — like register yourself as a member of the New York Bar? Or, hack into Harvard University’s student system and say you attended their law school? No problem. A smart hacker can do this for you at the drop of a dime. Hacking is, like, pretty simple.

Take a town car everywhere.

In New York City, avoid walking to places, avoid the subway, and just have a private driver bring you everywhere. There is no traffic and you’ll easily move around the city. Also, bonus points if you save money on rent by living in Toronto (where Suits was filmed) instead of New York. Unfortunately, though, Toronto traffic is just as bad.

Go on unnecessary power trips.

Jessica Pearson, Harvey Specter, and Louis Litt love to go on power trips. They call impromptu meetings to assert dominance, threaten to fire people for absurd reasons, and engage in dramatic confrontations in front of the entire office. This is how real bosses should and do act. And don’t forget to waste valuable resources at your company doing things like mock trials, or suing your colleague because you want to steal their cat. And yes, if you’ve never seen the show, that is a real plot line.

Honestly, I love this show. TV should not be reality and that is why we all can’t stop watching this show.  Stream it now on Peacock or Netflix. And here’s hoping with the renewed interest in the show this summer, there will be a season 10 reunion.

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7 Actually Helpful Business Lessons From the TV Show ‘Suits’ https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2023/08/actually-helpful-business-lessons-from-the-tv-show-suits/ Sat, 26 Aug 2023 20:58:13 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1084696 While I enjoy poking fun at Suits for its over-the-top drama, I’ve started to consider what the show actually gets right about the business world.

While all television is dramatized, certain shows like Industry, which is currently streaming on Max and revolves around an investment bank in London, feel more grounded in reality. The challenges presented in Industry seem plausible, and the dialogue, along with the social dynamics, appear to reflect a real reality bankers confront, albeit dramatized.

But the issues portrayed in Suits are as far-fetched as the plotlines in a Pokémon cartoon. And as I said in my last article on the topic, I think Game of Thrones has more insights on life and business than Suits does.

Still, let’s try to extract some actual lessons about business from Suits.

1. Good companies depend on skilled entry-level employees and long-term staff who aren’t in upper management.

You know how people always say that nurses do more work and know more than the doctors? That’s even truer in business, just like we see in Suits. Harvey and the rest of the higher-ups are always pushing off work onto Meghan Markle’s character, a paralegal, and Mike Ross. Harvey might be the guy who closes you as a client, but he sure as heck isn’t doing the actual day-to-day work — and that is true across a lot of professions.

Donna Paulsen is another good example of this. Secretaries are often much more than secretaries. They are the critical engine that allows work to be done. The question who is really in charge — Donna or Harvey? — reflects a real archetype in office dynamics; is the support staff more important than upper management?

2. Office politics and bureaucracy slow down companies in extremely unflattering ways.

Think about how much time is wasted on Suits due to internal office drama. The rivalry between Louis and Harvey consumes so much time. The same goes for the power struggles over the managing partner position, or all the personal drama that infuses the daily workplace. This blatant waste of resources that plagues the firm on Suits is also prevalent in major corporations and governments.

Louis Litt’s emotional journey rings true to corporate life. The lack of focus he experiences from mishearing something, or the jealousy that blinds him, seems quite common in large companies. We get lost in this stupid system and lose focus on what we’re actually there to do. Or we end up playing all of these games to appease the bureaucracy that our actual work falls by the wayside.

3. Mergers fail.

Mergers almost always fail, and Suits captures this reality with the doomed merger of Pearson Hardman and Darby International. The show repeatedly drives home the point that introducing a new, significant variable—such as merging two companies—puts you on shaky ground.

4. Romance in the office is super dangerous.

Mike Ross and Rachel Zane seem to have a cute relationship on Suits, but the show offers plenty of examples where office romances lead to disaster. The Scottie and Harvey storyline feels particularly real. You think you can incorporate love and romance! But yeah… You can’t. The tensions that arise between Jessica Pearson and Jeff Malone also seem realistic. And while Mike and Rachel work, their collaboration, especially in Season 4, causes a significant amount of tension.

5. Workers travel in tribes.

It annoys me when Jessica Pearson and Harvey elevate loyalty as the ultimate business virtue. That’s a sentiment warlords and mobsters demand — and I guess bad corporate bosses.

In the day-to-day business world, competence and a well-aligned incentive structure take precedence over loyalty. Good bosses don’t demand loyalty; they craft an environment that logically rewards skill and dedication. It’s a type of loyalty, but it’s based on output, not allegiance and social pressure.

That said, the show does capture the real dynamic of sticking with a core work group throughout your career. Take, for example, when Mike transitions to investment banking but continues to collaborate with Harvey and his former firm. That rings true: as you navigate different jobs, your original crew often stays intertwined in your professional life.

6. Credentials are overrated.

Another irritating aspect of Suits is the unrealistic rule the firm has, which is to hire lawyers only from Harvard. While it’s true that law firms may favor candidates from specific schools or the Ivy League, restricting hires solely to Harvard Law graduates is not reflective of how actual law firms operate. It’s merely a narrative device to emphasize the elitism and credentialism common in high-powered law firms.

Yet a key message of Suits contradicts this by highlighting the absurdity of credentialism. Mike Ross, who never attended law school, turns out to be the best lawyer at the firm. While such a scenario is unlikely in reality, the underlying message—that individuals without credentials can be just as capable, if not more so, than those with prestigious degrees—is a valuable takeaway to the real world of business.

7. The student must always challenge the teacher.

In the beginning, Mike is captivated by Harvey’s expertise and confidence, usually deferring to his judgment without question. As the series progresses, Mike gains a more nuanced understanding of Harvey and starts to develop his own approaches and philosophies. The resulting tension between them fosters mutual growth. This dynamic accurately reflects the process of learning and development, not just in the corporate world but also in all master/apprentice relationships.

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50+ Dirty Knock-Knock Jokes for a Belly Laugh in 2023 https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2023/05/50-dirty-knock-knock-jokes/ Tue, 02 May 2023 19:18:10 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1075712 Looking for dirty knock-knock jokes to tease your friends or taunt your lover? These knock-knock jokes are raunchier than ever and bound to make any adult laugh. Definitely make sure there are no children around when reading these dirty jokes because they are spicier than ever.

Read below to find a dirty knock-knock joke to tell at your next party and score big laughs!

Dirty Knock-Knock Jokes About Sex

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Tara Who?
Tara McClozoff.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Jamaican who?
Jamaican me horny.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Yo mama.
Yo mama who?
Yo mama suckin this dick!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Anita who?
Anita penis inside me!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Buster who?
Buster cherry! Where’s your daughter at?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Dee who?
Deez nuts!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Idaho who?
I da ho? You da ho!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Howie who?
Howie gonna hide while we get freaky?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ivanna Seymour.
Ivanna Seymour who?
Ivanna Seymour of you with your clothes off.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Dozer who?
Dozer some great tits you got there.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Mike who?
Mike Litoris.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Baby owl.
Baby owl who?
Baby owl see you in my sheets later.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Justin who?
You’re Justin time to see me strip down for you.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Bacon who?
Bae, can you give me a kiss?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Dewey who?
Dewey have a condom around, I’m trying to get inside you!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
May I come in?
May I come in who?
May I come in you?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Suck who?
I want to suck you!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Disguise who?
Disguise your boyfriend? You can do better.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ben Hurr.
Ben Hurr who?
Ben Hurr over and give it to her doggy style.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Hop on.
Hop on who?
Hop on this dick!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Willis who?
Willis dick fit in your mouth?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Willy who?
Willy want to see you naked.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Iguana who?
Iguana touch your tits.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Jenny Tull.
Jenny Tull who?
Jenny Tull warts.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ben Dover.
Ben Dover who?
Ben Dover and I’ll give you a fat surprise.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Waiter who?
Waiter I get my hands on you.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
A yam.
A yam who?
A yam so horny for you right now.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Khan who?
Khan-dam broke, bad news.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Phil who?
Phil McCreviss.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Kenya who?
Kenya lick this pussy?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Winner who?
My winner is as long as an anaconda.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
AI who?
AI let you touch these titties if you open the door.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
When where.
When where who?
Tonight, my place, me and you.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Do you want two CDs?
Do you want two CDs who?
Do you want two CDs nudes?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Meat who?
Meat my dick.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Gladiator who?
Gladiator and got her off.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Not someone.
Not someone who?
Not someone who will get you laid.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ike Han.
Ike Han who?
Ike Han rock your world hunny.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Hey Wood.
Hey Wood who?
Hey wood you blow me?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Harry who?
Harry anus.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
The mechanic.
The mechanic who?
Heard you wanted a rim job?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Black Beard.
Black Beard who?
Black Beard the pirate because I got that booty.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Dentist who?
I heard you have some cavities that need filling?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Poor knee.
Poor knee who?
Poor knee and ready for you to make me cum.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Juicy who?
Juicy that lady’s ass?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Dixie who?
Dixie enormous and ready to be inside you.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Hugh who?
Hugh ass.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Craven who?
Craven more of your body.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ivan who?
Ivan to have sex with you.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Quiche who?
Quiche me on my lips.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ice cream.
Ice cream who?
Ice cream all night if you’re lucky.

Classic Knock-Knock Jokes

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Boo-hoo who?
Wipe your tears loser, it’s just a joke.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Pasta who?
Pasta pipe idiot, I want to take a hit!

Filthy Knock-Knock Jokes

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Pileup who?
That’s disgusting.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Eat mop.
Eat mop who?
You eat your poo? That’s repulsive.

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Exposing The Best To Worst Girlfriends, Based On Your Birth Month https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2023/04/exposing-the-best-to-worst-girlfriends-based-on-your-birth-month/ Sat, 22 Apr 2023 09:30:34 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1075518 December

A December girlfriend is one of the most generous and loyal partners you’ll ever be with. She values honesty above all else, which makes you feel like she is so easy to trust and to be vulnerable with. And not only is she loving and giving, but she has a great sense of humor and can be incredibly light and goofy


An October girlfriend has an absolutely contagious warmth about her. Making friends is practically effortlessly for her, and she’s never short of affection or tenderness. And you’ll never get bored of talking to her, because a conversation with her can end up being funny, deep, smart, and silly all at the same time.


A July girlfriend has an irresistible spark about her. She’s open and friendly, and making others feel loved and cared about is a huge priority for her. She’s not one to actively pursue a relationship, but when she finds herself in love with someone, she’s incredibly honest, warm, and thoughtful.


A June girlfriend is full of compassion, and she’ll help you open up emotionally more than you ever have with anyone else. She’s very easy to talk to – both lighthearted and deep without ever being judgmental – and will always be able to pick up on how you’re feeling without you even having to say anything.


A March girlfriend is a very caring and affectionate partner. She’s brimming over with kindness and will always do everything in her power to cheer you up when she can sense that you’re having a hard time. She can be temperamental when she’s under a lot of stress, but otherwise, she’s always working to maintain a peaceful and calming presence for herself (and for others).


A January girlfriend is full of drive and ambition, which can sometimes be great when it comes to her relationships and at other times make things way more complicated. She’ll be a very loyal and perceptive partner, and when she wants to make the relationship work, she’ll absolutely give it her all. But when she’s somewhat uncertain and hesitant about what she’s looking for out of the relationship, she may take that anxiety and panic and channel all of her energy into her work or her outside passions in order to avoid the difficult conversations with you.


A November girlfriend, when you really get close to her, can be a very loving and rock-solid partner. However, she can also be very closed-off, detached, and stoic out of self-preservation – especially when she doesn’t feel fully emotionally invested or protected. She’s a very active and hardworking person, so if she’s not fully confident in the relationship and in your feelings or her own feelings, she may channel that energy into other projects and passionsin order to keep her heart safe.


A May girlfriend is no-doubt a very strong, supportive, and inspiring partner. She’s also very motivated and incredibly hardworking. The challenge in being her partner comes from her tendency to be quick to anger – if you disagree on something or get in a fight, she struggles to talk it out calmly and will have a hard time articulating what’s bothering her without letting her anger get in the way.


An August girlfriend can be a very romantic and affectionate partner. She’s also very inspiring, due to her natural gift for leadership and magnetism. What makes her a risky partner is that she’s all or nothing – when the relationship is going great, cool. But when it’s not all hearts and roses, she frequently panics and runs away from the problem instead of dealing with it and trusting your bond enough to work through it.


A February girlfriend is certainly exciting to be around – a free spirit with a contagious energy. However, she can be very stubborn, especially about love and about admitting when she has feelings for someone. When it comes to showing her love for you, she’s very insecure and hesitant, and always needs you to be the one putting yourself out there first.


A September girlfriend is very hard-working and confident in her own individual life, but it can be challenging to be her partner. Although she can be sympathetic one minute, she also drifts into a bad habit of being frequently critical and vocal about your shortcomings while also refusing to admit when she’s at fault in any way.


An April girlfriend has a strong personality and can be a very fun friend. But when you’re the one in a romantic relationship with her 24/7, it feels a little different. Although there are plenty of positive aspects of her strong personality, it can also get aggressive to the point where it’s her way or the highway. She’s not good at compromising, and is of the mindset that it’s her first and you second – never an even, 50-50 relationship.

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22 Dad Memes to Make You Laugh This Weekend (April 21-23) https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2023/04/22-dad-memes-to-make-you-laugh-this-weekend-april-21-23/ Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:42:40 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1075510 You love your dad. You appreciate your dad. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to laugh at your dad or even laugh at jokes your dad might laugh at.

With this in mind, we have compiled a list of the best dad memes to help you celebrate this weekend in April and pay tribute to the man who has always been there for you, through thick and thin. So, get ready to chuckle, giggle, and share these memes with the one who raised you, because after all, the only thing better than laughing at your parents is laughing with them.
























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75+ Dirty Yo Mama Jokes That Always Get A Laugh in 2023 https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2023/04/75-dirty-yo-mama-jokes-that-always-get-a-laugh-in-2023/ Tue, 18 Apr 2023 16:03:35 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1075447 There is nothing more classic than a yo mama joke to get your friends laughing. If you’re looking to tease a friend with something hilarious, use one of the yo mama jokes below to get them cracking up. Beware though, some of these yo mama jokes might just get a loved one angry because they’re raunchier than ever! Read on below to find the best dirty yo mama jokes that will turn some heads.

Yo Mama So Nasty Jokes

Yo mama so nasty, she gets escorted out of Red Lobster for bringing her own crabs.

Yo mama so nasty she’s like a Nascar driver and burns 50 rubbers a day.

Yo mama’s house so nasty, even roaches wear slippers in her house.

Yo mama so nasty, she has more clap than an auditorium.

Yo mama so nasty, they used to call them “jumpolines” until she jumped on one.

Yo mama so nasty, she went for a swim and created the Dead Sea.

Rude Yo Mama Jokes

Yo mama has a vagina like a credit card— everyone is swiping.

Yo mama is like a bike— everyone rides her.

Yo mama is like a Christmas tree— everyone puts their balls on her.

Yo mama is like a bat— sleeps during the day but sucks all night.

Yo mama is like an elevator— guys go up and down her all day long.

Yo mama is like a freezer— everyone puts their meat in her.

Yo mama is like a stamp— lick her, stick her, then send her away.

Yo mama is like an arcade game— give her a quarter and she’ll play with your joystick.

Yo mama is like a briefcase— only opens for business.

Yo mama is like a gas station— you pay, she pumps.

Yo mama so dumb she decided to skip her ABC’s and learn her STD’s instead.

Yo mama is like a squirrel— she can store a ton of nuts in her mouth.

Yo mama is like a subway— everybody rides her for cheap.

Yo mama so finger-licking good, she put KFC out of business.

Yo mama is like a door knob— everyone gets a turn.

Yo mama is like a light switch— easy to turn on.

Yo mama is so poor, when she goes to the park, ducks throw bread at her.

Yo Mama So Hot Jokes

Yo mama so hot, she’s banned from National Parks for accidentally starting forest fires.

Yo mama so hot, she should sell hot dogs because she already knows how to make a wiener stand.

Yo mama so hot, if she was a washing machine, I would definitely put my dirty load inside her.

Yo mama so hot, I became an astronaut because she told me she wanted someone “out of this world.”

Yo mama is like a parking ticket— fine is written all over her.

Yo mama is like karate— her body is kickin’.

Yo mama so hot, she’s like a bonfire— smoking.

Yo mama so hot, her address is located on the equator.

Yo mama so hot, even the fire department couldn’t cool her down.

Yo mama so hot, she makes the devil sweat.

Yo mama so hot, she gave the sun a sunburn.

Yo mama so hot, your friends ask her for a warm glass of MILF.

Yo mama is like a frying pan— so hot, I could fry an egg on her.

Yo Mama So Dirty Jokes

Yo mama so dirty, she fell in a sewer and came back cleaner.

Yo mama so dirty, a pressure washer couldn’t even get her clean.

Yo mama so dirty, her perfume is roach spray.

Yo mama so dirty, she sweats mud.

Yo mama so dirty, when she swims in a pool, a ring is left around the edge.

Yo mama so dirty, her house was mistaken for a landfill.

Yo mama is so dirty, she’s like a hockey player— only showers after three periods.

Yo mama house is so dirty, she has to wipe her feet before going outside.

Yo Mama So Ugly Jokes

Yo mama so ugly, men wear blindfolds when they sleep with her.

Yo mama so ugly, when she tried to join an ugly contest they said “sorry, no professionals.”

Yo mama is so ugly, she threw a boomerang and it refused to come back.

Yo mama so ugly, she gave Freddy Krueger nightmares.

Yo mama’s so ugly, when her house was being robbed, the thief took off his mask and made her wear it.

Yo mama so ugly, her birth certificate was an apology letter.

Yo mama so ugly, she looked out the window and people assumed she was mooning them.

Yo mama so ugly she made an onion cry.

Yo mama so ugly, her portraits hang themselves.

Yo momma’s so ugly, when she looks in the mirror her reflection runs away.

Classic, Funny Yo Mama Jokes

Yo mama so stupid she tried to climb Mountain Dew.

Yo mamma so stupid she tried to alphabetize M&M’s.

Yo mama so dumb she thought Bruno Mars was a planet.

Yo mama’s cooking is so nasty, every April Fool’s she cooks a good meal.

Yo mama so stupid she studies for a blood test.

Yo mama so dumb she took a ruler to see how long she slept.

Yo mama so crazy, when you said “it’s chilly outside,” she grabbed a bowl.

Yo mama so dumb when her car ran out of gas, she farted in the tank.

Yo mama so crazy, she yelled in the mailbox and thought she was ‘sending a voicemail.’

Yo mama so stupid she thought a quarterback was a refund.

Yo mama so crazy, when I told her she lost her mind, she went looking for it.

Yo mama so stupid, she went to the dentist to get a bluetooth.

Yo mama’s so stupid she tried to eat Eminem.

Yo mama is so crazy, she went to the optometrist to get an iPhone.

Yo mama’s teeth are so yellow, she smiled and traffic slowed down.

Yo mama’s so fat, she left in heels and came back in flip flops.

Yo momma so angry, McDonald’s won’t serve her happy meals.

Yo momma so fat, when she goes camping, the bears hide their food.

Yo mama so old, she was the waitress at the Last Supper.

Yo mama so old that when she was in school, there was no history class.

Yo mama so scary, you thought monsters under the bed were your friends.

Yo mama so tall, she tripped and hit her head on the moon.

Yo momma so dumb, she thought Twitter was social media for birds.

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This Glowing Smart Water Bottle Trains Your Body To Stay Hydrated https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2022/12/this-glowing-smart-water-bottle-trains-your-body-to-stay-hydrated/ Fri, 16 Dec 2022 18:33:30 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1072583 If your New Year goal is drinking more water, you’re not alone. A study conducted by Avian found only 22 percent of people drink the USDA-recommended eight to 10 glasses of water daily. On average, people consume only 5 cups of water, half the recommended amount. With all of the different and pressing priorities we’re facing these days, drinking enough water falls to the bottom of our list, but it doesn’t have to. In fact, anyone can ensure they’re staying adequately hydrated if they know about the smart water bottle, HidrateSpark.

The HidrateSpark Smart Water Bottle

Image via HidrateSpark

HidrateSpark doesn’t just remind you to drink water; it establishes a habit that gets you used to drinking water throughout the day. HidrateSpark’s innovative Bluetooth products make it simple to effectively introduce positive habits by tracking every sip of water you take. The bottles’ glowing reminders and text notifications help keep you on track so you consume enough water daily. And how it does this is simple. For starters, how much water you need is determined by science. In the app, the amount of water you need to stay healthy is predetermined based on your profile information and personalized parameters. All you need to do is drink when the bottle tells you to.

Plus, thanks to the HidrateSpark App, you’ll establish extra motivation by mapping your progress and connecting with friends. Not only that, but when you set up your bottle on the corresponding HidrateSpark App, you can choose the glow color you want your bottle to glow when you need to drink water.

HidrateSpark Smart Water Bottles

Image via HidrateSpark

The HidrateSpark team understands that achieving your water drinking goals means carrying one of their products with you wherever you go. That’s why they sell a variety of water bottles in an array of sizes. The HidrateSpark PRO water bottle comes in four sizes, 32 ounces, 24 ounces, 21 ounces, and 17 ounces, and in five colors. You also get to choose the lid you prefer, depending on whether you like to sip your water out of a straw or chug it. Now, there’s also the stainless steel vacuum-insulated HidrateSpark PRO Tumbler. It holds up to 20 ounces of coffee or tea to track your consumption in the app. The HidrateSpark PRO Tumbler also glows to ensure you’ll remember to drink from it, and it keeps drinks cold for up to 14 hours and hot for up to 4 hours.

HidrateSpark’s Sustainability Practices

Image via HidrateSpark

Sustainability means responsible consumption. When you buy a HidrateSpark water bottle, you choose to reuse. Compare that with single-use, disposable plastic water bottles that often end up in landfills or pollute our oceans and water sources. Every year, an estimated 8 million metric tons of disposable plastic ends up in our oceans, and an estimated 60 million plastic bottles are disposed of, ending up in landfills and incinerators. When you use HidrateSpark, you choose to help the earth by relying on a reusable product. So far, HidrateSpark users have saved 143 million plastic bottles and counting. Join in the movement and make a commitment to yourself and the environment today by purchasing a HidrateSpark smart water bottle.

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At-Home Ketamine Treatments May Be The Future Of Psychiatric Care https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2022/12/at-home-ketamine-treatments-may-be-the-future-of-psychiatric-care/ Wed, 07 Dec 2022 18:10:03 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1072253 When most people think of Ketamine, visions of raving, at-risk youth come to mind. But this sort of recreational abuse has given the drug an undeserved reputation. In reality, Ketamine shows enormous potential for treating all sorts of trauma, including chronic depression, crippling anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even pain disorders.

In recent years, a full-blown cottage industry has evolved around ketamine, with infusion centers and clinics popping up across the country. While still an “off-label” use, ketamine treatments are a safe way for people with disorders that have been resistant to other forms of treatment to get some relief.

The Power Of Ketamine

Choose Ketamine
Image via Choose Ketamine

Image via Choose Ketamine

While perhaps somewhat intimidating for some, Ketamine therapy offers stunning clinical results as shown in a recent study, with 89 percent of patients reporting improvements in depression and anxiety and 77 percent reporting improvements in overall mood and greater stability. Fewer than 5 percent of patients report side effects.

Positive effects of the treatment happen immediately, though it’s not a magic cure-all: regular ketamine treatments are required to maintain the positive effects. Ketamine treatments are safe when used as directed and under the supervision of experienced guides who can help to mitigate discomfort or difficult emotions that may occur during the ketamine experience.

Traditional clinics, however, can be intimidating for many, particularly given that those suffering from extreme mental distress or chronic pain can be reluctant to leave the house. Moreover, clinics can be expensive, often costing hundreds of dollars for each treatment and an expensive “stabilization” period of between three and six treatments up front.

Fortunately, this is no longer an impediment to obtaining the medical treatment many desperately need.

Choose Ketamine: Effective At-Home Psychedelic Therapy

Choose Ketamine
Image via Choose Ketamine

Image via Choose Ketamine

Choose Ketamine offers comparable treatments to ketamine clinics at a fraction of the price and in the comfort of your own home. Rather than traveling to a clinic, patients can kick back on their favorite chair, a comfy couch, or even a bed while receiving the same high-quality treatment they would get in a traditional clinical setting. And patients do not have to discontinue existing talk therapy or pharmaceutical treatments.

After a psychological evaluation, patients with Choose Ketamine will undergo a one-to-two-hour treatment with an experienced and knowledgeable guide via Zoom. These experts will also provide guidance on integrating back into your everyday life. All of this takes place under the supervision of experienced clinicians.

Best of all, treatments cost a fraction of what you might expect to pay at a clinic: $158 monthly, with the first month costing just $79.

So click here for your free online quiz to find out if ketamine treatment is right for you.

1072253 choose ketamine Choose Ketamine Choose Ketamine
Psychedelic Water® Is The Safe, Legal Way To Expand Your Mind https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2022/12/psychedelic-water-is-the-safe-legal-way-to-expand-your-mind/ Thu, 01 Dec 2022 23:29:01 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1072389 Psychedelic drugs are generally associated with the 1960s counterculture movement. Today these mind-expanding drugs are experiencing a comeback. Several states are legalizing psychedelic mushrooms, and their powerful therapeutic benefits are finally getting recognition from mental-health experts. While shrooms are not yet legally allowed in consumer products, a beverage company called Psychedelic Water® is helping to normalize psychedelics with a 100% legal mood-boosting beverage.

Alcohol is the usual option for people looking for a mood-altering beverage. Psychedelic Water® is offering an alternative with its tongue-tingling drinks that promote happiness, creativity, and mental focus. Unlike alcohol or energy drinks, Psychedelic Water® does not result in hangovers, jitters, or other adverse side effects. It is not using CBD or THC to achieve this either.

What makes this drink work?

Psychedelic Water®

Psychedelic Water®
Image via Psychedelic Water®

Psychedelic Water® contains a blend of mood-boosting plants that promote a sense of calm euphoria. Ingredients include:

Kava Root – For generations, inhabitants of the South Pacific have turned to Kava Root as a way to relax because of its ability to melt away stress and induce feelings of warmth and happiness.

Damiana Leaf – Once used as an aphrodisiac, damiana leaf is now commonly used to combat stress and discomfort.

Green Tea – Green Tea is antioxidant-rich and has myriad health benefits. The small amount of caffeine also nicely balances out the kava root, which can make some people sleepy.

Combining these ingredients, Psychedelic Water® produces a mild mood boost and a warm, calm euphoria. It is 100% legal and 100% alcohol-free, so it’s perfect for home, work, or a night on the town. Anytime you need a pick-me-up, reach for a can and let the unique blend work its magic.

As attitudes and our nation’s laws toward psychedelic drugs change and evolve, Psychedelic Water® may add traditional psychedelics to the mix. Luckily, you do not have to wait to experience a mood-boosting beverage that is truly unique. Psychedelic Water® says part of its mission is to get people talking about psychedelics, and bringing a few cans to your next family gathering will spark some conversations. Click here to learn more about Psychedelic Water® today, and see for yourself.

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The Best Dating Sites and Apps: Complete List of the Top Online Dating Platforms https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2022/10/best-dating-sites/ Thu, 27 Oct 2022 19:22:30 +0000 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=1071556 According to polls, 28 is the average age people meet their spouse in the US. If you’re sat reading this on your 29th birthday, you may have just had a minor heart attack.

But fret not!

There are plenty of websites and apps these days to meet someone special, whether you’re a 20-year-old metropolitan barista or a gay 55-year-old farmer. Online dating is niche-er and easier than ever.

Yep, no matter how strange or unusual you think you are, there’s an app out there that’s catered to you. Honestly, there are some very specific dating apps on this list.

So join us on this journey as we countdown and review the best dating sites online.


Best Dating Sites and Apps:

Before we get into our detailed reviews, here is an overview of the top dating sites in each category.

The Top 5 Overall:

  1. eHarmony – Best for serious relationships
  2. Bumble – Best free dating app
  3. Seeking – Best dating site for men
  4. AdultFriendFinder – Best for casual dating and hookups
  5. SilverSingles – Best dating site for singles over 50

Best 100% Free Dating Platforms:

  1. Reddit R4R – Free classified postings with no sign up needed
  2. OkCupid – Most popular free dating site
  3. Tinder – Free dating app
  4. LuvFree – Free dating site popular for singles 30+
  5. Badoo – Largest free dating site in Europe
  6. Adam4Adam – Best free LGBTQ dating site

The Top Unique Dating Platforms:

  • Tastebuds.fm – Utilizes tastes in music
  • Tawkify – Has human matchmakers who set up matches rather than having users find each other.
  • Nuit – Astrology dating
  • Feeld – Polyamory dating app
  • EliteSingles – Dating app for educated singles
  • Happn – Find people you crossed paths with
  • Reddit R4R – Free dating classifieds with no sign-up required

Best Casual Dating Sites:

  1. AdultFriendFinder
  2. AshleyMadison
  3. Alt.com
  4. Secret Benefits
  5. NoStringsAttached

The Top Religous Datings:

  1. ChristianMingle – Best Christian dating site
  2. BigChurch –  Runner Up Christian dating site 
  3. JDate – Best for meeting Jewish singles
  4. LDSSingles – Largest singles site for Mormons
  5. CatholicMatch – Relationship site to meet Catholics
  6. Muslima – Best dating site to find Muslim singles

The Top Senior Dating Sites:

  1. SilverSingles – Best ‘senior’ dating site for singles over 50
  2. SeniorSizzle – Casual relationships for elders 
  3. OurTime – International dating site for elders 
  4. Senior Match
  5. Singles 50 – 
  6. Senior Friends Date – Good for relationships and friendships 
  7. R4R/Senior – Best Free dating site for 50+

The Top 5 LGBTQ Dating Platforms:

  1. Grindr – Best for gay men
  2. Her – Best for gay women
  3. GayFriendFinder
  4. R4R/LBTQ – Best totally free LGBT dating site
  5. Adam4Adam

The Top Apps:

  1. Tinder – App with the most users 
  2. Bumble – For confident women 
  3. Hinge – Dating app “designed to be deleted”
  4. Pure – Anonymous Hookups 
  5. Grindr – Most popular Hookup app for LGBTQ

Runner Ups:


1. eHarmony – Best Online Dating Site For Long Term Relationships



  • Free membership is limited


Since 2000, eHarmony’s been a serious contender in the online dating scene. They’re just 2 years younger than Google, and their matchmaking site seems to have gotten better with time. In fact, every 14 minutes, one of their 15 million+ members is said to find love. 

They cater to a diverse selection of people. While they were founded with slightly dated Christian values in mind, they’ve rebranded their dating platform as LGBT+ friendly in recent years. 

With that in mind, eHarmony offers black, asian, latin, indian, gay, lesbian, christian, and senior-focused dating… so there’s potential for everyone to find love here.

Their in-depth compatibility quiz helps members sift through matches with a series of personalized questions. As well as improving your matches, this quiz reduces spam because you can’t make an account without completing it.

Basically, it helps get rid of the bots and flakey people!

eHarmony is primarily focused on serious relationships, and they’re reported to be singlehandedly responsible for facilitating up to 4% of all US marriages. That’s pretty 

Matches are delivered daily, and eHarmony’s algorithms are designed to promote meaningful connections with like-minded people in your area, city, state, or country. 

2. Bumble – Best Free Dating App for Relationships


  • Safest dating platform for women
  • Women can initiate communication, but men can’t
  • Effortless navigation
  • More females than males


  • Not the best option if you seek hookups


If you’re a strong, successful woman, or looking to meet one, check out Bumble, our top dating site for women.

Compared to other dating sites, this platform goes the extra mile to keep the women safe and secure. It keeps the predators at bay through a string of advanced features we are yet to see on other sites.

For example, only women can start any form of communication. If you’re a male user, you are free to join the site and check it out, browse through the community and everything, but you can’t send messages to women unless you were contacted first.

Unsurprisingly, Bumble is not a hookup-oriented site. 

Serious relationships are popular, but it’s not all about sexual relationships. The site also offers business opportunities, networking options, or just good old friendships.

If you’re a woman, it also has the handy effect of not inundating you with DMs of creepy guys and male genitalia, which is nice.

In technical terms, Bumble is a breeze to navigate. The platform is easy on the eyes, clean, efficient, and even includes a dedicated app.


The company points out that Bumble is free to use, but premium features come at a price. Specifically, you can pay for Bumble Boost, Bumble Premium, SuperSwipe, and Spotlight.

Premium goodies include advanced filters, Super Swipes, travel mode, unlimited swipes, and more.

3. Seeking – Best Dating Site for Men


  • Four times more women than men
  • Luxurious relationships on one of the best dating sites
  • 4:1 “attractive to successful” ratio 


  • Meant for a distinct subgroup of daters


Formerly known as Seeking Arrangements, Seeking was founded in 2006 with the mission of facilitating mutually beneficial relationships between beautiful and successful people. If you’re looking for a partner who can match your preferred lifestyle, Seeking is made for you. 

Seeking lets successful men find attractive women at a ratio of 4:1 – money and social prestige talk, and those with an elevated social position will enjoy their choice of 40+ million members. However, their site offers women a unique opportunity to date and marry upwards

Talk about mutually beneficial

It’s clear that Seeking’s target audience is very niche, and you probably won’t have tons of luck if you didn’t win the genetic or economic lottery ahead of time. 

So, if you’re looking for true love or the chance to let your personality shine through, you’d have better luck with eHarmony, for example. 


In a market move that reflects Seeking’s high-income dating pool, paid memberships cost between $100 and $250 per month. Pricing tiers range from “Standard” to “Diamond”, with the latter being the most expensive option. 

You’ll get 10 free messages to start with, but upgrading to a “Diamond” membership allows you to enjoy unlimited communications, top-priority verification, and significant boosts that put your profile front-and-center for everybody to see first. 

4. AdultFriendFinder – Best Dating Site for Casual Relationships


  • 98 million active, global users
  • Affordable subscription plans 
  • Fairly easy to secure casual flings


  • Not intended for serious dating 


Having been established in 1996, FriendFinder acted as the antiquated version of Tinder for current baby boomers. It’s all in the name – FriendFinder does away with concepts like “finding your soulmate” or “seeking monogamous love” to promote quick, easy, and casual liaisons

Over the last 26 years, they’ve accumulated 98 million active users from around the world. 

Apart from joining the club of the best dating sites in the business, they also got one of the most popular dating apps out there, both for their easy-to-use features and their extremely affordable subscription plans

As soon as you create your free account, they provide match suggestions based on your area. While you can flirt, view photos, and join targeted chat groups for free, you’ll have to pay for the ability to send and receive messages from potential interests. 

They have “Silver” and “Gold” subscription tiers that are comparably priced. Silver members can message up to 20 matches, “hotlist” as many as 500 members, and view the majority of dating profiles relevant to their interests. 

However, their “Gold” membership plan grants you the opportunity to “hotlist” 1,000+ members, send unlimited messages with 30+ matches and receive 5x more profile views than normal.  

If you’re looking for a quick fling with no strings attached, you’ll find plenty of willing men, women, trans folk, and gender non-conforming people that can pique your interest.  

While it’s not the best for long-term dating, it might be worth a try. Stranger things have happened and love has been found in weirder places!

Related post: Top 30 Best Hookup Sites

5. Reddit R4R – 100% Anonymous & Free Dating


  • Dating site that’s totally free to use 
  • Find casual or long-term relationships 
  • Filter by location, gender, and keywords
  • 400,000+ active members 


  • Not exactly a dating-only website 
  • Can’t see any photos without first contact
  • 0-1 replies on the average post


This is for people who want an absolutely free dating site. 

Well technically, it’s a forum on Reddit – the world’s largest forum site. Just login and post to it’s 400,000+ members, letting them know who you are and what you’re looking for. Think craigslist personals. 

R4R stands for Redditor for Redditor. While the subreddit is mostly used for online dating purposes, some people are looking for friends and cyber-buddies that share their interests. It’s pretty easy to filter by location and gender.

You can private message (Reddit email) other users, slide in those DMs, or reply underneath someone’s comment section for free. There are no paywalls in sight, but the onus is on you to initiate conversation. 

There are two main downsides here. The first is that you can’t actually see what your potential matches look like before establishing contact by DM or private message. The second main downside here is that you must accrue Reddit karma before you post any “seeking” ads. 

Reddit karma is finicky, but it represents the validity and age of your account. You can get karma points by replying in comment boards, making your own posts on various subreddits, and posting popular takes in r/AITA for hundreds of upvotes.

So yeah… while Reddit R4R is free, it’s far from the easiest dating site to use and the lack of verification makes catfishing easier. 

As we said earlier, you get what you pay for!

6. OKCupid – Best Free Dating Site


  • Open-minded & LGBTQ+ friendly
  • Free messaging & likes 
  • 1000s of match-based questions


  • Must pay for complete control 


Since its launch in January 2004, OKCupid has promoted itself as one of the best dating sites for romantic conquests on a platform built around matchmaking

Whether you’re looking for a casual relationship or your chance at finding true love, there’s a pot for every lid. Their inclusive sign-up process gives you the ability to identify with 22 genders and 13 sexual orientations. 

Take your pick!

Their detailed matching algorithms connect upwards of 50 million members based on their interests, preferences, and thousands of match-based questions that differentiate OKCupid from other dating sites. 

OKCupid currently has 5,000+ detailed icebreakers that give users a chance to skip the small talk while letting potential matches know where they stand on certain deal breakers or pet peeves. 

Yep, if you’re the kind of person who wants an encyclopedic knowledge of your date’s deepest fears and desires before you even meet them, you’ll love it here.

You can like, view, and message a limited number of members for free before hitting OKCupid’s daily limits. So, if you’re willing to beat around the bush, you can successfully find love and/or adventure without spending a dime. 

Then again, who doesn’t want instant gratification? 

7. Tinder – Best Free Dating App


  • Community of 75 million people
  • Trendsetter app
  • Legendary swipe-based approach
  • Everything from hookups to serious relationships


  • Fake profile issues
  • Not as popular as it used to be 
  • Most men go days without matches 
  • Hookup focused


With 6 million active subscribers and a community of 75 million people, Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps today. It has a legendarily swipe-based approach and everything from hookups to serious relationships can be found here.

The platform is easy to use and easy to sign up for. All you need is a Facebook account and you can start using Tinder right away.

Once your profile is set up, you can start swiping. Swipe right if you like someone, and swipe left if you don’t. If you both swipe right, you will match and can start chatting. 

They keep it simple.

While the free version is fine, you can upgrade to Tinder Gold to get access to all of the premium features, including unlimited likes, swiping in any location, and more.

Tinder and Tinder alternatives very popular with young people, but it’s also very hookup-focused, which isn’t great if you’re looking for love specifically.

8. Nuit – Best Dating App for Astrology Lovers


  • Takes your astrological sign into account
  • See a person’s astrological compatibility with you
  • Weekly horoscopes for all users
  • Easy to use


  • Limited availability


Nuit is a dating app that is quickly gaining popularity among singles who are looking for a more unique and astrology-based approach to finding love.

You can also see a person’s astrological compatibility with you before messaging them, which is a nice touch to help inform your conversation and break the ice. Nuit also offers weekly horoscopes for all users, which is a fun way to keep up with your love life.

The app is only available in select cities at the moment, but it is expanding rapidly. Some users have complained that the app is glitchy, but the majority of users seem to be having a good experience. 

On the technical side, Nuit is available for both iOS and Android devices. It is free to download and create an account.

When we created an account, we had to fill out our birth date, time, and location. The app then gives you a list of compatible matches based on your sign. 

Overall, we found Nuit to be a fun and unique dating app that is definitely worth trying if you’re into astrology. It’s also great for those who are looking for a more serious relationship, as the app takes compatibility seriously.

9. Feeld – Best for Polyamory


  • Very open-minded community of couples
  • Couples accounts available
  • Sex-positive atmosphere
  • Possibly the most ethical dating site
  • Zero judgment


  • Facebook account required for full registration


If you want to join a dating app with your significant other, Feeld is the best option out there. With a very open-minded community of couples, this app allows you to explore your desires with zero judgment.

You can even create a couples account to make things easier for you and your partner. The sex-positive atmosphere of Feeld makes it one of the most ethical dating sites out there.

The only downside is that you need a Facebook account to register for the app. So yeah, not ideal if you’re not on Facebook!

Still, if you want to explore polyamory, Feeld is the best place to start. There are many couples on the app who are open to meeting other couples or singles… so keep your options open!

Overall, Feeld is the best dating app for couples who want to explore their sexuality. With a very open-minded community and an ethical atmosphere, this app is perfect for those who want to spice up their love life.


The platform boasts over 2 million users, while pricing plans can go as low as $8 per month depending on the subscription length.

10. EliteSingles – Leading Dating Site Online for Professionals 


  • No-frills, socially-centered dating 
  • Filled with successful singles 
  • 381,000+ new members every month 


  • Higher pricing for higher-income singles 


EliteSingles operates in the United States and 25 other countries to match highly educated professionals with their twin flames. Founded in 2009, they offer no-frills dating that matches socially established e-daters with similar interests and preferences. 

90% of their members are over the age of 30, and 381,000+ new users join their ranks every month. If you’re here to play games or add high-income earners to your benchwarming roster, you won’t get much love here. 

Thanks to the 20-minute personality test you’ll have to take before creating an account, many of your matches are cherry-picked from the get-go. Alternatively, you can take control of specific filters to find matches that didn’t make their algorithmic cut. 

Their basic membership plan is completely free, but it’s limited by default. You can set up your dating profile, upload properly angled pictures, tweak your preferences, and send likes to other users that fit your interests. 

Free Trial found Here

Even if you’re not gunning for the cover of Forbes or TIME like these members, EliteSingles is built for online daters who have their life together. They let users skip the games and offer no shortage of quality matches to sift through. 


For the ability to view photos and send messages, you’ll have to shell out some cash. It’s  $27.95/month when subscribing annually, $37.95/month for 6 months, or $54.95/month for 3 months. 

All said, their pricing structure is a bit on the higher side, but it’s nothing a qualified professional they primarily target wouldn’t deem affordable. 

11. Zoosk – Best Dating Site for Younger Men


  • Excellent options if you’re a younger guy in your 20s
  • More women than men 
  • Filter between short- and long-term relationships
  • 35+ million users in 80+ countries
  • Send virtual gifts


  • Limited features in free version


Zoosk is our top dating site for younger men. If you’re a young guy looking to experiment, craving diversity in your life, Zoosk is one of the best there is.

The site caters to 35+ million users scattered across 80+ countries worldwide.

Two things stood out about Zoosk in our opinion. One – the wide diversity of the user base we just mentioned.

And secondly, the ratio of women to men favors guys, which is not common on dating sites these days.

When combined, what these two factors deliver is plenty of options for young fellas to explore and find everything from hookups to long-term relationships.

You can also do cute things like sending virtual gifts to your matches. I mean, you’re literally paying to send pixels to someone, but it’s your money and you can do what you want with it. 

Buy all the virtual teddy bears you want!

In terms of diversity, Zoosk is on the same level as Tinder and other industry leaders, and the number of users isn’t far behind either.

You can search for any type of relationship you want. If you want to put emphasis on hookups, you’re free to do so – and the same goes for serious relationships.

Note that to fully enjoy the site’s extensive features, you will need to become a paid, registered member.


Young people will appreciate that Zoosk is affordable, with prices mostly ranging from $10 to $30 depending on the length of the subscription plan you opt for. As usual, the more months you pay for at once, the cheaper the average monthly fee gets.

12. Silversingles – Best for Over 50s Dating


  • Best senior dating app in the world
  • Easy to use if you’re not tech-savvy
  • Plenty of suggestions
  • Real people to help you set up a profile


  • 50+ only
  • Lengthy sign-up questionnaire


SilverSingles has been in the business for about 2 decades now. It’s focused on people over 50, and I have to say they are the best in the online dating industry.

The site is fair, with an open community that accepts everyone. Divorced, separated, single, widowed. You are welcome to find happiness at SilverSingles regardless of your age and status.

We are looking at a senior dating site, meaning that you have to be 50 or older to become a member. The site keeps the environment safe and geared towards a specific group.

That’s a polite way of saying that it’s simple and you don’t have to be tech-savvy to use it!

SilverSingles sends you numerous recommendations for dates, and if you’re not good at putting a profile together, they even have real customer service staff who can help you.

Yes, not robots – real people.

Some users have complained about the length of the sign-up questionnaire and that you can’t see photos of other users unless you’re a paid member.

Still, when all is summed up, SilverSingles is the leading senior dating app for a good reason.

The site boasts over 800k active users, while the pricing plans range from $25 to $45 depending on the subscription length you opt for.

13. Dating.com – One of the Cheapest Online Dating Sites


  • 73 million registered members 
  • Everyone is verified by human staff 
  • 15 free tokens to start with
  • Cheaper than eHarmony


  • Highly limited free features 


Despite existing for just 3 years, Dating.com has already amassed 73 million registered members in 32 different countries. Every member is personally verified by Dating.com’s team of staff before their profile gets approved, so catfishers are rarely encountered. 

If you’re like most online daters using Dating.com, you better be after lasting love and a long-term relationship to get the most out of this dating site. 

Yet, while they offer localized and international dating for serious relationship seekers, they don’t restrict you from enjoying casual liaisons. By using their Today I Am feature, you can specify exactly what you’re looking for as the winds change. 

And as we all know, they can change a lot.

There’s no relationship questionnaire to fill out here, so you can get straight to messaging like-minded members and ask all your favorite questions directly sans tickboxes.

Try for Free Here 

That said, you’re only given 15 free tokens to start out with before you’re asked to pay for more. Each message will cost you a credit, while voice messages and emails cost 10-15 tokens per piece. So you know, they don’t tend to last long.

On the brighter side, you can actually see other profiles before paying for their service. Unlike eHarmony, Dating.com uses an in-house currency system that only charges you for the features you use, so you often save money long-term.


You can pick up 150 credits for $19.99, 600 credits for $149.99, or 1,500 credits for $299.99 at their cheapest. When put into perspective, credits are priced between $0.20 and $0.33 each.

14. Badoo – Find Local, Verified Singles & Avoid Fake Profiles 


  • 4.5 million verified profiles
  • Geo-location oriented 
  • Free membership isn’t restrictive
  • Cheap paid membership ($10) 


  • Great features behind a paywall 


If the scammer-free versions of Bumble and Tinder had a baby, Badoo would be the end result. 

Badoo is home to 4.5 million verified profiles, all of which have been vetted by their human staff. Founded in November 2006, they work to match local singles without frustrating spam, trolls, or catfishing users. 

Their app shows you people that are in your area, and their free membership lets you “like” and message a limited number of profiles without paying a red cent in subscription fees. 

You can filter your potential matches by age, distance, relationship preference, and shared interests.

In addition to facilitating thousands of serious relationships, Badoo remains LGBT+ inclusive and casual dating-friendly. Aside from their much stricter verification policies, Badoo isn’t all that different from other top dating apps. 

In addition to dedicated verification procedures, they’ve got a helpful, free-to-read blog that details matching tips, date ideas, and “yellow” flags you should watch out for. 

What are yellow flags, you ask? You’ll have to go find out.

As with many of the best dating sites, some of Badoo’s best features are limited to paying members only. On the bright side, their sole subscription tier won’t break the bank. 


“Premium” plans start from $10/month, and most users will find everything they need. Paid members will enjoy unlimited right swipes, unlimited messaging, and an ad-free experience. 

3-month Premium subscriptions will cost you $24.99, while 6-month payment plans cost $34.99 upfront. Finally, lifetime subscribers will pay $60 for years-long, unlimited premium access. 

15. Coffeemeetsbagel – Best for Millennial Dating


  • Top-notch matching algorithm
  • “The original anti-swiping app”
  • Fun and casual
  • Plenty of young users


  • Not the best option for 50+ users or hookups


If you’re a cup of coffee and you’ve just always wanted to meet a bagel, this is your lucky day!

Weird name aside, Coffeemeetsbagel is the perfect middle between serious relationships and swipe-based flings Tinder is known for.

Described as the “original anti-swiping app,” this dating site offers plenty of opportunities for long-term relationships while keeping it fun and loose.

We appreciate that most features are available in free mode, that the design is modern and elegant with effortless navigation.

Also, the app is mostly used by younger people, so if you’re 50+, you’ll likely give this one a pass. 

If you couldn’t tell from the quirky name, this dating app leans towards a millennial crowd, especially in metropolitan areas. You know, where everyone is grabbing all those coffees and bagels. 

This dating app comes with filters that allow you to sort matches by activeness, whether they drink, whether they want kids and more. So if you’re a busy professional who doesn’t have time to waste, it’s a great way to weed out incompatible people.

The app is not spammy at all, and you will only receive communication from profiles that you liked. This significantly cuts down unsolicited messages and bad pickup lines.

We also like that the platform has an in-app currency that you earn by being active on the site. The user base is 60% female.

16. Grindr – Best Dating App for Gay Men


  • Over 15 million gay men
  • Up-front, open-minded community
  • Advanced search filters
  • See guys physically close to you


  • Works better in urban areas


With 15+ million users, this gay dating app guarantees that you’ll find excellent matches no matter your location. Top local guys are just a search away!

Grindr is more popular among city dwellers and its members are known for being very candid about their intentions. In other words, it’s very much filled with people looking for sex. However, it’s the easiest place to find gay men, so finding dates is still possible.

Just be clear about what you want! Guys on Grindr tend to be very to-the-point.

The grid-style interface shows men closest to your phone’s current location, so you can really cut to the chase if you don’t want to travel far.

Oh, and when it comes to advanced features, Grindr doesn’t disappoint.

You can use the “Tribe” feature to filter users by their body type (Jock, Twink, Bear, etc.) which is great for finding the kind of guys you’re into. You can also see handy information such as people’s sexuality, pronouns, and more.

Core features are available for free, but Grindr also offers an “XTRA” subscription that gives you access to things like read receipts, an ad-free experience, and unlimited scrolling of guys.

The bottom line? Grindr is one of the best gay dating apps out there. It’s user-friendly, has tons of features, and it’s perfect for finding both hookups and relationships. If you’re gay and looking for love or just a good time, Grindr is definitely worth a try!


Fun Fact: Did you know that 55% of LGBTQ+ adults use dating apps compared to 28% of heterosexual adults? That’s almost double.

17. Her – Best Dating App for Gay Women


  • No. 1 option for lesbian & queer women
  • No limits on free messages
  • Over 1 million US users
  • Easy to connect social media account with HER profile


  • Lacking advanced search capabilities


The HER dating app is the No. 1 option for lesbian women, with over 1 million users in the United States. The app is free to download and use, and there are no limits on free messages. You can easily connect your social media account with your HER profile, making it easy to connect with other users.

However, the app has a focus on social media-style posts and interactions with local women in the community, as well as local lesbian events. This is nice, but if you’re just looking for a dating app, it might be more than you need.

Still, when we tested the app, we noticed that it was easy to use and navigate. The interface is straightforward and simple, and the platform is designed to be user-friendly.

Overall, we think that the HER dating app is a great option for lesbian women. It is easy to use and has a large user base, making it a great option for meeting new people. Also, it is free to use, and there are no limits on free messages.


The pricing ranges between $7.50 and $15 per month depending on the length of the subscription plan you opt for.

18. Christian Mingle – Best Christian Dating Site


  • 3.5+ million Christians
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Offers a free trial period
  • Profile boost feature helps you get more visibility


  • Only available in 7 countries
  • Some users have reported issues with customer service 


If you’re looking for a dating app that caters specifically to Christians, ChristianMingle is a great option. With over 3.5 million monthly users, it’s one of the largest dating sites out there, and it’s strictly focused on Christians.

One of the best things about ChristianMingle is that they offer a free trial period, so you can try the site before committing to paying for a membership. This is always a good thing, as it allows you to test out the site and see if it’s a good fit for you before shelling out your hard-earned cash.

The site is optimized for easy navigation, which is another plus. And if you’re looking to get more visibility on the site, there’s a “profile boost” feature that will help with that.

On the downside, ChristianMingle is only available in 7 countries: USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, and Spain. So if you’re not in one of those countries, you’re out of luck. Additionally, some users have reported issues with ChristianMingle’s customer service.

Some of the advanced features at ChristianMingle include:

  • Read Receipts: See when your messages have been read
  • Message Filtering: Filter messages from certain users
  • Activity Reports: Get weekly reports on your activity on the site


19. Jdate – Best for Meeting Jewish Singles


  • No. 1 dating app for Jewish singles
  • Over 200,000 US users
  • Wide range of features, including read message receipts
  • Free users can reply to premium members’ messages
  • Available in 5 languages


  • A bit pricey


Jdate is the No. 1 dating app for Jewish singles, with over 200,000 US users. It’s a fairly comprehensive app with a wide range of features, including read message receipts and the ability to reply to premium members’ messages.

Jdate is available in 5 languages: English, Hebrew, French, German, and Spanish. The app is free of ads and almost half the members are Jewish women.

Overall, Jdate is a great option for Jewish singles who are looking for a long-term relationship. The app has a lot to offer in terms of features and its large user base means that you’re likely to find a compatible match within the Jewish faith.

In fact, Jdate requires commitment, so if you’re not willing to tie the knot, basically, you might want to look elsewhere.


Jdate’s pricing is a bit on the high side, at $29.99 to $59.99 per month. It’s worth noting that Jdate also offers a 3-month subscription for $39.99/month.

20. LDSsingles – Best Dating Site for Mormons


  • The best option for Mormons
  • Affordable, pricing starts at around $5 per month
  • Geared towards long-term relationships
  • In-depth personality questionnaire


  • Can’t send messages in free mode


LDSsingles is one of the best dating sites for Mormons. It’s affordable, starting at around $5 per month, and it’s geared towards long-term relationships.

The site has an in-depth personality questionnaire that helps to match you with potential partners. Some users like it because it adds depth to every profile, while others find it too extensive. However, you can’t send messages in free mode.

The site boasts a large user base and a great track record of success in its niche.

Over the years, LDSSingles has helped thousands of Latter-Day Saints find love and lasting relationships. In fact, they’re so confident in their ability to help you find someone that they offer a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with their service.

Also, LDSSingles offers some unique features that you won’t find on other dating sites. For example, they have a Mutual Matching system that allows you to see profiles of other members who are compatible with you.

If you’re looking for someone to date who shares your faith, then LDSSingles is definitely worth checking out.

21. Hinge – Dating App ‘Designed to Be Deleted’


  • App that’s “designed to be deleted”
  • Mostly millennials
  • Fun “prompts” feature
  • LGBTQ+ friendly
  • Relationship oriented 


  • Some users have reported bugs
  • A bit pricey 


Hinge is a dating app that’s “meant to be deleted.” That’s because it’s designed to facilitate meaningful connections between people who are looking for something more than just a casual hookup. And, according to Hinge’s own research, 70% of its users say they’re looking for a long-term relationship.

If you’re in the market for something more serious, Hinge is definitely worth checking out.

One of the coolest things about Hinge is the “prompts” feature that serves as a great ice-breaker for starting new conversations. On your profile, you can respond to prompts such as:

  • “This year I really want to…”
  • Fact about me that surprises people…
  • The dorkiest thing about me is…
  • Let’s make sure we’re on the same page about…


Let your excellent sense of humor run wild. I can see the jokey responses already.

Also, if you’re looking for something a little more specific than just “someone who’s also looking for a relationship,” Hinge allows you to specify exactly what kind of relationship you’re looking for.

Hinge is mobile-friendly, so you can access it on your phone or tablet as well as your computer. And, if you’re worried about running into fake profiles, don’t be – Hinge uses Facebook verification to ensure that all of its users are real people. It’s also used as a hookup site for many young adults.


Hinge is a bit expensive for younger apps, with pricing plans starting at $19.99. Still, it’s one of the most popular dating apps on the market right now.

22. Happn – Best for Missed Connections


  • You can find the people you’ve crossed paths with in real life
  • High accuracy
  • Ease of use
  • Plenty of features in free mode


  • Still plenty of room to grow


Happn is a dating app that aims to put a new spin on the online dating game. According to the company, they are the first and only app to offer this unique feature of tracking people you’ve crossed paths with in real life.

In other words, the app allows users to find matches based on their physical location. This is a great feature for people who are always on the go and don’t have much time to waste on online dating. 

When you come across someone you’re interested in, you can “like” them. If they “like” you back, then you’ll be matched and can start chatting. 

There are plenty of other features to check out, such as the “CrushTime” game, which is a fun way to see who your biggest fans are. Overall, Happn is a well-designed app with plenty of features to keep you entertained. And, most importantly, it’s a great way to meet new people in your area.


The app is available for free on both iOS and Android devices. There is also a premium version of the app that offers more features, such as unlimited likes, for a monthly subscription fee.

If you want the premium option, it’s fairly priced, with subscription plans ranging from $10 to $25 per month depending on the subscription length.

A-Z List of Dating Sites

  • Adam4Adam – Connects men with men “for friendship, romance, or a hot hookup”.
  • AnastasiaDate – Connects Western men with women from Russia and former Soviet Republics
  • Ashley Madison – Members are matched up with other married adult members based on profiles.
  • BeautifulPeople.com – Dating website where membership is based on a vote, in which existing members rate how attractive they perceive prospective members to be.
  • Christian Connection – For Christian singles from the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Singapore
  • ChristianMingle – Dating site that caters to Christian singles. Members may choose whether to specify the Christian denomination to which they belong.
  • Coffee Meets Bagel – App providing daily curated matches based on Facebook connections
  • Compatible Partners – eHarmony’s service for same-sex relationships
  • Cupid.com – Dating website for people who are looking for romantic relationships.
  • DateMySchool – Dedicated to verified college students and alumni (via education database). Strong emphasis on privacy and safety. Can block by departments and schools. Members only see intersection of what they are looking for and what other members are looking for.
  • Facebook Dating – Digital dating product at Facebook
  • Gaydar – Profile-based dating website for gay and bisexual men, women, and couples.
  • GayRomeo / PlanetRomeo – Worldwide social network, instant messaging and dating community for gay, bisexual and transgender men.
  • Gleeden – Social network, instant messaging and dating community for extra-marital relationships.
  • Grindr – Geosocial networking application based on Android and iOS.
  • Her – Lesbian dating app. Men are not allowed to create profiles on the platform.
  • Hily – Mobile dating site
  • Hinge – New dating app like bumble
  • JDate – Dating site that serves people of a Jewish background as well as those interested in them.
  • JSwipe – Online dating app targeted at millennial Jewish singles.
  • Lovestruck.com – Online dating for single professionals in UK, Hong Kong and Singapore
  • Mamba – Social-network-like dating site, primarily CIS/former Soviet Union, but some international presence. Primary language is Russian, but all languages welcome (and searchable). Caters to all audiences.
  • Manhunt – Profile-based dating website for men seeking men
  • Meetic – European online dating service
  • Moonit – Offers compatibility match according to user’ birthdate.
  • OkCupid (OkC) – Uses answers from user-generated questions to find matches that conform to a user’s stated preferences.
  • Parship – Dating site for people looking for a long-term relationship, using a personality test. Available in Europe and Mexico.
  • Perfectmatch.com – This dating website is using heuristic algorithms to find matches.
  • POF (PlentyofFish) – Dating site mostly active in United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Brazil
  • Right Stuff – Dating site for graduates and faculty of Ivy League, Seven Sisters, and about 50 similar colleges and universities and medical schools
  • Scruff – Dating app for gay and bisexual men
  • Sniffies – Browser based dating and hookup app for gay and bisexual men
  • SpeedDate.com – Former online speed dating site, where users meet via text, audio, and video chat – Domain now owned by Match.com – No longer a Speed Dating site
  • Squirt.org – Cruising and hookup site for men seeking men
  • Taimi – Geosocial networking application based on Android and iOS for LGBTQI+ community.
  • Tastebuds.fm – Utilizes tastes in music
  • Tawkify – Has human matchmakers who set up matches rather than having users find each other.
  • Tinder – Mobile single dating site
  • Zoosk – Has an integration with Facebook community.

How to Get Started at a Dating Site 

For the tech-illiterate among us, online dating sites can feel like a complete nightmare to navigate. Luckily, platforms like eHarmony make it easy for new users to start making matches and creating memories. 

For your convenience, we’ve boiled the sign-up process down to its basics by using this site as a model. 

Go to eHarmony’s online dating site. Then, select your gender and the gender you’re seeking from their homepage. Next, click on “Join Now” before entering your email address and creating a unique password. 

  • Fill out their compatibility quiz and complete your profile.

Now, it’s time to fill out eHarmony’s questionnaire. They’ll inquire about your preferred neighborhood, what you’re looking for, and other personal preferences that help to pair you up with a compatible partner. 

You’ll need approximately 20 minutes to complete this quiz, but there’s no time limit to worry about if you’d rather come back to it later. 

  • Start connecting with that special someone

After you’ve filled out eHarmony’s personality test, you’ll enjoy full access to their library of members. All you have to do is filter through profiles to find the girl (or guy) of your dreams. 

Some features are paid with eHarmony, but it’s easy enough to obtain social media information from many of their members’ dating profiles. 

After this, there’s virtually nothing stopping you from finding true love or a casual fling from home. 


FAQs About the Best Dating Sites

How Can I Detect Bots, Fake Profiles, or Scams on Dating Sites? 

You can detect bots, fake profiles, and scams on dating sites pretty easily.

The best dating sites offer users the option to verify their profile with a selfie. Generally, you’ll notice a blue checkmark next to verified profiles, which is a good sign that you’re not getting catfished. 

Sometimes, it can be difficult to find real people on other online dating websites. With the amount of G.I.R.L.s (guys in real life) running CashApp scams on lonely men, you should always be careful before meeting up with somebody in person. 

Immediate requests for money are a good sign that you’re dealing with a catfish. Additionally, somebody who refuses to video chat ahead of your first date shouldn’t be trusted.

What to Look for in Dating Sites? 

Traveling through the online dating world can be tricky without proper equipment – here’s how you should choose the best matchmaking sites and find your dream person without wasting time. 

  • Look for sites that aren’t “pay-to-win” – you should be able to explore your options without paying for the privilege. 
  • Go with popular dating sites that match your relationship interests. 
  • Search for dating sites that let you video chat natively on their platform. 
  • You’ll want to look for established, reputable sites with huge member counts to broaden your chances. 
  • Find sites that give you the option to see picture-verified guys and gals. 

Which Dating Site is Best for Serious Relationships? 

Dating.com is the best site for serious relationships. They’re certainly neck and neck with eHarmony, but the latter wins our favor in this department. 

View Profiles on Dating.com Here

They’ve got 73 million registered users from 32 countries, and every member is personally verified by their team of staff before you encounter their profile. For those planning to enjoy a blank slate somewhere else, international dating is a perk. 

If you’re looking for no-frills, catfish-free dating, Dating.com offers the widest selection of like-minded members. You can video chat with matches directly through their website. Should things go south, this feature keeps your contact information free from interference. 

However, you’ll only get 15 free messages to burn through before paying to message other users. Look at it this way – having to pay for messages keeps the creepers away, and any matches you contact are more than willing to spend their pocket change on you. 

What is the Best Online Dating Singles Service? 

eHarmony is one of the best dating apps we’ve found. Aside from claiming to be responsible for 4% of happy US marriages, their relationship questionnaire aims to filter through potential matches for you. 

They’ve got 15.5 million members looking for love, and their targeted compatibility quiz makes it all the easier to find people who fit like a glove. Although their dating app is designed to facilitate a serious relationship, they cater to casual daters with equal convenience. 

View Member Profiles Here

You may have heard rumors about eHarmony’s unnecessarily conservative matchmaking practices, but they underwent a full rebranding process in 2019. They’ve fully opened their doors to LGBT+ people, couples, and gender non-conforming individuals. 

Which Online Dating App Leads to the Highest Success Rates?

OKCupid seems to boast the highest success rates for long-term relationships. According to in-house research, 32% of users communicate with their matches for upwards of a month. 

That’s far better than something like Tinder, where you’re lucky to get a few seconds.

For those looking to delve deeper, OKCupid’s laundry list of compatibility questions serves as a set of uniquely interesting icebreakers that let users skip the small talk. 

For obvious reasons, most dating websites aren’t built with your long-term success in mind. However, a select few dating apps stake their reputations on successful matchmaking. 

Which Free Dating Site Is the Best for a Serious Relationship? 

Reddit R4R is the best free dating site for a serious relationship. Thus, you won’t have to pay to send messages, put up your own “seeking” ad, or respond to other users in comment sections. 

Particular post flairs let you find males seeking females, vice versa, LGBT+ oriented relationship postings and T4T/F/M options. You can also search by city or town to find locals in your area. 

However, you’ll have to create a Reddit account and gain some “karma” (post credits) before submitting any posts on R4R. To get “karma”, you can reply to random comments, practice your creative writing skills in r/AITA, or find subreddits that appeal to your interests. 

So yeah, it’s free, but it’s not the easiest way to date online.

Are Paid Dating Sites Usually Better Than Free Dating Sites? 

Yes, paid dating sites are better than free dating sites. 

By design, free dating apps restrict you from using particularly helpful features until you spring for a paid membership. However, any good dating site has a “free version” that doesn’t make it impossible to find matches. 

If you decide to purchase a paid membership, you’ll unlock features that include unlimited swipes, unlimited messages, and the ability to view and match with people that like your profile. In short, paid dating sites give their users a leg up on the competition.

On top of this, you get access to better users. 

Not literally better… but those users who are willing to put money down for this stuff are more likely to take the dating game seriously, so you’re more likely to find someone like-minded rather than a flakey person casually browsing a free app like Tinder.


Final Verdict – Should You Use the Best Legit Dating Sites? 

Most dating sites and apps aren’t walking their members down the yellow-brick road to everlasting love.

Even when checking out the platforms that bill themselves as the best dating sites, you have to be choosy with them if you want to reach romantic nirvana.

Yes, just like what you do with your shortlisted heartthrobs. 

Unlike the rest, our top dating sites and apps put the focus on quality matchmaking, spam prevention, and reasonably priced features that can lead to personalized first dates. 

Whether you’re just dipping your toes in the casual dating pool or searching for that perfect match, the best dating websites presented here will take your preferences and dislikes into account. 

If you’re still on the fence, we’d recommend eHarmony – their dedicated relationship questionnaire and a plethora of free features won them our top spot. 

Always remember to vet your matches, avoid CashApp requests (unless you’re into that for some reason), and meet in public. 

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